Archive for May 10th, 2011
Know the Rules of Kids Bingo
Is caller as the “dealer” is a casino game. The complainant and calls the numbers at random. He / she is used and the number of columns simultaneously. If the caller called B12, the player must look at the map and to see if he / she has the number 12 in column “B”. If this number is in the card of the player, he / she has to mark it as a gift.
The goal must be a player his own card after meeting with the reign of the house. In general, this means that the player must obtain a specific set of numbers (in the column or diagonal). In some cases, you fill in all fields on the bingo card is also the goal of the game.
price claim
If the goal of the game of bingo, met in the last mentioned point, the player must yell “Bingo” for the house / room may know that you have completed your card, and you are screaming to take your prize claim. It can also happen that two players have reached their destination at the same time. In such cases, two of them will share the prize.
This is a general summary of the rules of bingo games.